Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mind-Blown by Michele Hart

Mind-Blown by Michele Hart is a sci-fi thriller/romance (if there is such a genre) that kept me on my toes. The novel did have a few places where it seemed to drag while rehashing some information but sometimes rehashing is necessary to keep the reader up-to-date on the storyline. This is a romance novel mixed with action and adventure and is not a-typical because of the engaging plot twists and corporate idealizations. You won’t be able to predict what is coming next. The story contains some of the latest technology and the author’s use of high-tech gadgets adds a new field of mind boggling thoughts to follow. Author Michele Hart develops her characters in a believable fashion.
You will fall in love with Holly Maddox's outgoing style. You can just imagine being a friend of Holly’s and her boss. Jon's and Holly’s relationship matures quickly keeping you intrigued. Jon tampers with Holly’s subliminal message folder. Micro-chipping is an idea that makes you wonder if that can be tampered with as well. Can it?
You can and will dread what is coming next because of the ethical dilemmas this novel involves your mind with to say the least. I think that Mind-Blown tells us of corporate and government control of the general population. You can’t believe what the micro-chipping topic brings to the table in any type of conversation. Fear grips me that micro-chipping technology has been available for a while and Mind-Blown takes you there and, I believe, makes you succumb to the thought that this can happen or might have already happened and I don’t like this idea.

The suspense is mind chilling. Without telling the end of the story and giving to much away I can say that I believe that a lot of the corporate happenings written here are true to our lives. You’ll continue reading this novel every second you have available. I kept it with me so that I could continue reading it anytime I had a minute or two.

Although this may not be an original thought...Mind-Blown blows your mind!

4 out of 5 bookmarks

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